mandag den 2. august 2021

Mød Lotte Arnsbjerg & Carman Moore til festivalåbningen af ÆG & HÅB


Lotte Arnsbjerg & Carman Moore will perform 3 songs from this upcoming creation that the co-ctreators are planning to open with a full premiere in New York City spring 2023, in collaboration with the Lieber Institute - one of the worlds leading companies on brain science and human development. 

Embracing The Root is a tribute to the healing powers of nature and plants. It is a music-dramatic story about a human being who has lost her way in a life built on too much fast living, too high ambition, too little peace of mind and too little spiritual connection with nature, which also means her own being. She holds a leash for a dog in her hand, with a collar in the end, but no dog. She does not remember her dog, her name, where she lives or if she has a family...

 Lost in the woods


Oh My God

I would never have thought

that I would be so 

lost in 

lost in my way


Oh my God

I would never

have thought 

I would be so

lost in the shadow 

within me


where is 

the sign for my home

where is the sign for 

me to read

me to find home


I am lost in the woods

I am lost in the shadows

of my days and nights

The woman finds her self totally lost in this woods, and desperately trying to find her way home, wherever that is, but no matter how hard her efforts, she keeps on ending up at the foot of the same tree, an old oak in the depths of the forest. Being so lost, drives her totally mad, and she starts to feel great fear at being surrounded by nature, especially as its spirit seems to begin to speak to her. The old oak tree is speaking as if it is inside of her mind, speaking with a language she has never heard before, and a consciousness and connections between life and living species, that she has never thought of in her wildest dreams. And yet - it seems to connect her with some powers of her own, that she fears - and also longs for - so strong. 


To hug a tree 

Take me to a place 

with no sound 

take me to a place 

of silence

Take me to a place 

where I can meet myself

I fear the power of this ground

I try not to listen

I try not to feel

It is confusing

It turns me over

Take me to a place 

with no-one to see 

how frightened I am

Take me to a place
where I don’t need to speak

Take me to my death 

without me knowing

that it is happening to me

I just want to lie down in this grass

I feel something growing 

below my feet

I was told
that it can be very powerful 

to hug a tree


like me .. 

As a parallel to Orpheus descending she enters a wild world in motion habited by roots and underground life. Here she is confronted by an intelligence that seems to mirror the endlessness of the universe. And it shares its powers of communication with her, revealing a superior and multi creative intelligence below the ground, an underground internet that reaches further, deeper and faster than humans have ever imagined.

Det er en stor glæde at kunne præsentere 

Lotte arnsbjerg og Carman Moore 
fredag den 6. august 2021 kl. 19-22 i Enghave Kirke

hvor der er mulighed for at opleve tre sange fra den 
kommende opsætning af deres
"Embracing The Root". 

Der er spisning fra kl. 17-18. 
Alle er velkommen og det koster ikke noget. 
Men kom i god tid!

Læs mere om festivalen ÆG & HÅB.


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